I used to go to Vegas heavily over a decade or so ago, then took a decade or so hiatus, and resumed play a few years ago. Since then I have been posting my casino experiences online.
In addition to multiple lengthy trips over the past few years, I have been in Vegas more or less continuously the past eight or so months, playing heavy high limits Baccarat and Blackjack, fully RFB comp'ed in various casino suites.
The posts in these threads constitute my Adventures.

You have triggered me to develop my own style with the bits and pieces I picked up from you.
As you know I have a thread here as well and solely because of you kindness, sharing and events you wrote about, I managed to build a baccarat bankroll currently over $35,000.00 which is comprised of 100% win money now. I have also managed to profit additional tens of thousands of dollars as well. Most of it is accounted for in my thread tread reports.
The past week or so I engaged in a little blackjack play solely because of you also. I now have almost $10,000.00 in my blackjack bankroll and that is also comprised of 100% win money.
I extend my endorsement of what you share with everyone as well as being the Chief of the Official MDawg Fan Club.
Thank you for being consistent, serious and extremely knowledgeable to the forum and the world. You are the best, hands down.
Sincerely with all my heart,
Marcus Clark, AKA MarcusClark66
In Baccarat, people may take opposing bets: Player or Banker. I recall a session at a public table (lately I play both Baccarat and Blackjack mostly at private reserved tables, and I don't have to deal with this sort of thing), where someone placed a bet on Player when I and another couple of players were on Bank. I wasn't really paying attention as the initial cards were dealt, but saw finally that Banker got a 5 to start and player a 1, and as the third card was coming out to the Player side I started to say "Monkey!" out loud not realizing that anyone had taken a position on Player against us. One of the other players, betting on Bank alongside me, somewhat shushed me quietly, politely, because it's just considered impolite to, at least out loud, wish failure against someone who has bet against you.
That's just the way it is in Baccarat. Baccarat etiquette. As much as, in your heart, you might be wishing a stop draw card that will win the hand for you against anyone betting against you, you just don't say anything out loud (unless everyone is on the same side).
Quote: Marcusclark66I managed to build a baccarat bankroll currently over $35,000.00 which is comprised of 100% win money now. I have also managed to profit additional tens of thousands of dollars as well.
Luck happens, as does fantasy.
Which is it here?
Quote: MrVQuote: Marcusclark66I managed to build a baccarat bankroll currently over $35,000.00 which is comprised of 100% win money now. I have also managed to profit additional tens of thousands of dollars as well.
Luck happens, as does fantasy.
Which is it here?
link to original post
Free to think and accuse what you desire.
I explain the best I can with details most of the time as to my reasoning for wagers.
Thanks for your response.
Quote: MrVLuck happens, as does fantasy.
Which is it here?
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Having indulged MDawg in assisting him in getting this thread patched up, I think it's time for a reminder:-
Wizard is a firm believer in freedom of speech. He's also dead against personal insults against members.
Thus, MDawg and his fans are absolutely allowed to make the most fantastical claims in this thread. THAT'S NOT SAYING HE DOES! Just that he could if he wanted to.
We are all allowed to believe or not believe as we see fit. MDawg can selectively report, such that he looks like the God of baccarat. THAT'S NOT SAYING HE DOES! but he might, for instance downplay his losing days.
This is the Betting systems sub-forum: Thus he can profess how his hit and run, trend reading strategy can never fail.
He's allowed that freedom of speech.
Think of it like 'Ripley's Believe it or Not.'. An amusing side show.
MDawg can show pictures of stacks of money and private jets, (He does) and tell us how great he is and how he seldom loses (He sort of does).
He is under no obligation to tell us much about his sessions where he loses six figure dollar amounts.
Oh No.*
Irritating and frustrating as it is, we fellow members may not insult him/them by calling him/them liars or branding the posts fabrications or lies. That's explicit in the rules.
*Another reminder:-
In the earlier thread, Mdawg claimed cumulative trip winnings of the order of half a million dollars..... But then towards the end of that thread we had this...
So let's be clear. He has reported wins of maybe $500,000 and showed us hundreds of thousands in Benjamins, but somehow he Might be about even So judge his 'adventures' reports for yourself.Quote: MDawg {Edit for brevity Emphasis mine}Wizard and I got together recently ...
... we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc.
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Let's be mindful. This is just a thread in a forum. If you don't like it. just Block Thread.
[Edited for clarity]
One day you're here, the next and *POOF* you're not.
DD Blackjack. 500 - 1100.
Very quick session.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgYou gotta love people who allude to MDawg with a few words of homage at the top of every post they make. MDawg looms large in the minds of some.
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I do not understand,
They seemingly have dislike for you but they repetitively keep coming on your thread and commenting with sarcastic to slick answers or comments.
I think they should truly take the advice that the Wizard gives out, which is to block your thread.
He is a smart guy. I respect that. He brings things to the forum good and bad. I respect that.
I also realize, no one beats the casino without some sort of AP +EV advantage play. So it it what it is. Im willing to coexist and share oxygen and H20 with about anyone. Life is too short and most problems too small to get worked up over.
Quote: mwalz9If you guys are implying me, I have nothing against MDawg. At first, I wasnt a fan. Hes not even close to as bad as he seems. I post 85% of my gambling winnings on Facebook. I rarely acknowledge the losses. Who does?
He is a smart guy. I respect that. He brings things to the forum good and bad. I respect that.
I also realize, no one beats the casino without some sort of AP +EV advantage play. So it it what it is. Im willing to coexist and share oxygen and H20 with about anyone. Life is too short and most problems too small to get worked up over.
link to original post
Oh, now why would you even think we are referring to you.
You are the perfect example of a courteous and best mannered member!
Quote: MDawgthe allure of getting something for nothing.
Bingo! I think that sums up my guppy gambling. I love winning. I love the examples when I can turn a -EV game positive. I love when I’m just lucky and can walk away a few dollars ahead. The ‘free’ meal tastes better. The ‘free’ hotel room is nicer.
But always just flashing a card for food, free plays, free concerts, free rooms, and drinks for the cost of a tip makes it feel like something for nothing.
Quote: MDawgAfter winning days on end, you think it'll last forever. Lose a session, and you start thinking, eh, this isn't so much fun. And then you win again. 😄 😇 It's not even so much necessarily about the dollar amounts, just that, you have a certain amount more than you had that morning without much effort or time expended, that arrived courtesy of a casino. I think over all that is the draw of casino play, or at least why people who don't really need the money do it - the allure of getting something for nothing.
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In a poker tournament (casino sponsored, no entrance fee) soon where must take a COVID antigen rapid test to prove negative a couple hours before the tournament.
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: mwalz9If you guys are implying me, I have nothing against MDawg. At first, I wasnt a fan. Hes not even close to as bad as he seems. I post 85% of my gambling winnings on Facebook. I rarely acknowledge the losses. Who does?
He is a smart guy. I respect that. He brings things to the forum good and bad. I respect that.
I also realize, no one beats the casino without some sort of AP +EV advantage play. So it it what it is. Im willing to coexist and share oxygen and H20 with about anyone. Life is too short and most problems too small to get worked up over.
link to original post
Oh, now why would you even think we are referring to you.
You are the perfect example of a courteous and best mannered member!
link to original post
Were talking about the guy who mentions me indirectly at the top of every single post he makes in the thread he started where he adopted my Title (sans proper capitalization, though). Now, that's homage!
Senzaman wazzyneeds!
I'll back it!
DD Blackjack. 100 - 2500.
Quick session.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgSantana delivered an over two hours instrumentally very tight crowd pleasing show of both his classic hits, newer songs and a few covers including of 60s songs. Well done, and in the intimate Mandalay Bay House of Blues, there practically are no bad seats.
DD Blackjack. Two sessions: (1) 100 - 8000. (2) 500 - 14000.
First session I ended up dumping twenty grand. Not immediately, but eventually. Second session, which followed the first, I won back about $15K of the lost $20K fairly rapidly, but it took me some time and some back and forth before I won back the other 5K. Once I got near even, I called it quits, had a lot more to do that day including tournament registrations.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Are you no longer practicing law?
Between cases?
Charging customers on the clock while you bet Baccarat?
DD Blackjack. Three separate sessions. All about the same as far as 300 - 2500.
Consistent, solid winning, added up.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
I ended up at a table with donks who kept going all in before the flop. I got crapola folded it something like 7 hands in a row, then JJ which I checked trying to trap someone and some idiot went all in, Jimmy Kimmel called, and I called too. Kimmel beat me with 10-10 as a 10 ended up dropping on the flop. I didn't re-buy, I don't do that at these free entry tournaments. If you wanted to rebuy though it wasn't cheap - up to $10,000. for a re-buy (all re-buys did go to charity, and were tax deductible). Pictures were supposedly not allowed but I took a few: by the end others were openly taking pics anyway, so I think it was more of a guideline than rule, and some of these same celebrities posed with me for pictures taken with my iPhone.
I wandered in and out of the event after I lost and ended up winning about $15K at the real tables anyway, so the evening was a success.
Good food too.

Quote: Mission146If pictures weren't supposed to be taken and you did not have the express permission of individuals (particularly known celebrities) to take their pictures AND this was an invitation-only event, then I would probably have to suggest that you remove the pictures with identifiable celebrities.
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I think if you search you will find dozens of pics from this event all over the internet by now, taken by others.
Actually, two of the celebrities whose pics I post above, posed with me and let someone take a pic of us, so I don't think it's an issue.

Maybe people had already stuffed themselves on the sandwiches before dinner was even served.
Quote: MDawg
I think if you search you will find dozens of pics from this event all over the internet by now, taken by others.
Actually, two of the celebrities whose pics I post above, posed with me and let someone take a pic of us, so I don't think it's an issue.
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While I do not disagree with your first statement, I hasten to inform you that this is a commercial and for-profit website. If you posted them on a not-for-profit website, then I can't really conceive of any possible issue.
Listen, I'm not even an Admin here, so I'm trying not to have to send an E-Mail. Can you compromise to at least putting the pictures of identifiable celebrities in a spoiler?
By the way, everyone in the room had to test negative for COVID via an antigen test a few hours before the event, which is why so many are unmasked.
DD Blackjack. Two sessions. Losing session: 300 - 16000. Winning session: 300 - 10000.
First session, dumped a clean 40000. That took not even an hour and a half. Second session won almost all of it back could have won more but was getting tired and eased off once I was close to even. Winning it all back took about four and a half hours including a dinner break.

All this cash from one casino went to pay off another. Walked from one casino to the other. Took a limo back didn’t feel like walking again especially while carrying cash. All’s well that ends well.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Pretty smooth, played two shoes, in the second one kept getting streak after streak actually could have won a lot more but I wasn't playing that hard.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
First shoe, I got down -8K, then rallied back and forth until by the end of that shoe I was down only -3K. I cut the next shoe, and declared that Player was gonna be it - placed five hunny on Player and never looked back, pressing a little but not nearly enough all the way. Eight Players followed by ten Players. Nice! Free handed it all the way for a bit after that, then left.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
So, Let's get this straight. From cutting the cards you did not need to wait for any trend to be established*. Precognition or telekinesis? You simply told the cards how to proceed and they obeyed you?**Quote: MDawg
I cut the next shoe, and declared that Player was gonna be it - placed five hunny on Player and never looked back ... Eight Players followed by ten Players. Nice! link to original post
Neat trick if you can pull it off.
* The very concept of which is widely seen as nonsense.
** What does one call a man who claims such magical powers? [Rhetorical: Don't get banned for answering]
Quote: OnceDearSo, Let's get this straight. From cutting the cards you did not need to wait for any trend to be established*. Precognition or telekinesis? You simply told the cards how to proceed and they obeyed you?**Quote: MDawg
I cut the next shoe, and declared that Player was gonna be it - placed five hunny on Player and never looked back ... Eight Players followed by ten Players. Nice! link to original post
Neat trick if you can pull it off.
* The very concept of which is widely seen as nonsense.
** What does one call a man who claims such magical powers? [Rhetorical: Don't get banned for answering]
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Can I please ask, and hopefully you won’t ban me, but this is IMO and what I simply interpret your intense and consistent postings in MDawgs thread as well as mine.
Question is. It seems to me, you really do hate winners. Or is it just MDawg and myself?
Marcus Clark
Quote: OnceDearSo, Let's get this straight. From cutting the cards you did not need to wait for any trend to be established*. Precognition or telekinesis? You simply told the cards how to proceed and they obeyed you?**Quote: MDawg
I cut the next shoe, and declared that Player was gonna be it - placed five hunny on Player and never looked back ... Eight Players followed by ten Players. Nice! link to original post
Neat trick if you can pull it off.
* The very concept of which is widely seen as nonsense.
** What does one call a man who claims such magical powers? [Rhetorical: Don't get banned for answering]
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I'd call such a man a Wizard. Maybe even The Wizard. The M in mdawg surely stands for Magical. Great and Magical would be more appropriate but I suspect he is too humble for that.
There was a man in AC who could cut himself a picture card every time. If a gambler can cut himself a picture every time, is it all that far fetched to believe the great Mdawg can't cut the cards in such a way that the next forty cards will be in his favor?
I believe it was Tommy Dreamer who said 'Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer".
Quote: billryanQuote: OnceDearSo, Let's get this straight. From cutting the cards you did not need to wait for any trend to be established*. Precognition or telekinesis? You simply told the cards how to proceed and they obeyed you?**Quote: MDawg
I cut the next shoe, and declared that Player was gonna be it - placed five hunny on Player and never looked back ... Eight Players followed by ten Players. Nice! link to original post
Neat trick if you can pull it off.
* The very concept of which is widely seen as nonsense.
** What does one call a man who claims such magical powers? [Rhetorical: Don't get banned for answering]
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I'd call such a man a Wizard. Maybe even The Wizard. The M in mdawg surely stands for Magical. Great and Magical would be more appropriate but I suspect he is too humble for that.
There was a man in AC who could cut himself a picture card every time. If a gambler can cut himself a picture every time, is it all that far fetched to believe the great Mdawg can't cut the cards in such a way that the next forty cards will be in his favor?
I believe it was Tommy Dreamer who said 'Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer".
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Ultra Fantastic!
Thanks for your great thoughts.
No ban for asking such a question.Quote: Marcusclark66
Can I please ask, and hopefully you won’t ban me, but this is IMO and what I simply interpret your intense and consistent postings in MDawgs thread as well as mine.
Question is. It seems to me, you really do hate winners. Or is it just MDawg and myself?
Marcus Clark
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TLDR, I'm one of life's hecklers.
I love winners and applaud their good fortune. I'm an occasional small winner myself. I'm not jealous, by the way. If you guys want to throw down big wagers, you get the benefit or the cost thereof.
No Hate towards any member here.
The posts of Mdawg and yourself have certain characteristics. It's those characteristics, of the posts, which I feel a certain hostility to. Unfortunately many of those posts are the antithesis to the ethos of this forum, where we would hope to see useful, believable posts, guiding our members to make rational wagering decisions.
We have lost too many good contributors either to short suspensions or to permanent leaving in disgust that your posts go unchallenged. THAT is something I feel 'intense' about.
A man comes up to a craps table. He has two choices - play the Pass line or the Don't. He decides on the Pass. He keeps it there, and the shooter makes 8 passes. Then craps out. Then makes 10 passes. The man wins 18/19 times that he bets. Did he have to possess any clairvoyance to win?
In Baccarat my usual opening strategy is to free hand the first hand, then bet whatever came up. If I win, I press, if I win again, I press again. So, in such situations, if that side runs, I will win a lot. If it doesn't even repeat even twice, I will have lost one bet. If it runs at least 3 times, I will make something or at worst break even. In other words, Plan A on all shoes is usually to see if it runs straight out the gate. If not, then I free hand a bunch more and see what else might be in store. (Keep in mind also that when I cut, I might be cutting at that point for a reason. 😉)
On this particular shoe for Day 164 play, all I did was decide to bet Player instead of free handing the first hand. Call that clairvoyance or call that just deciding to do that instead of free handing the first hand. And then I pressed as usual from there. The only mistake I made, was that I bet 500 on the first hand, 1500 on the second, but then didn't keep to the more aggressive than usual press I was doing at that moment and go 4500 on the third hand and up from there. If I had, I would have won a LOT more, in tune with what the pit boss remarked: "You could retire on a shoe like that."
Remind me if I forget in a week or two I'll post a picture of the shoe. We'll have ThatDonGuy evaluate the odds of a shoe where the first 8 out the gate are Player, followed by 1 Bank, then 10 Players. As well, once the side by side Player runs ended, I just free handed about 10 hands and just evaluated that the gravy train was more or less over, and left. That is also key - when something extraordinary happens and you have taken at least some (winning $15K or so on a run like that was nothing, I was barely betting) advantage of it, be sure to leave. Session over.
I showed a picture of the shoe to a couple friends of mine and they were amazed that I didn't clock $200K on it. I was a little gun shy though in that I had actually lost a few K on the first shoe, and had been down as much as -10K at one point on the first shoe. So, along those lines, from lowest to end point, it was a 23K or so run. (Which gets back to my other point made before.)
Quote: MDawgUnscientific as it is, it's often easier to win big when you have to, versus when you don't.
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This "winning big when you have to" may also work against you, because in this case, just a few hands into the beginning of that Player run, I was even again, and I let off on the gas. I should not have, but I did. It's sometimes hard to bet huge on the very next hand after you just got even, even if the progression would have called for it.
Quote: OnceDearNo ban for asking such a question.Quote: Marcusclark66
Can I please ask, and hopefully you won’t ban me, but this is IMO and what I simply interpret your intense and consistent postings in MDawgs thread as well as mine.
Question is. It seems to me, you really do hate winners. Or is it just MDawg and myself?
Marcus Clark
link to original post
TLDR, I'm one of life's hecklers.
I love winners and applaud their good fortune. I'm an occasional small winner myself. I'm not jealous, by the way. If you guys want to throw down big wagers, you get the benefit or the cost thereof.
No Hate towards any member here.
The posts of Mdawg and yourself have certain characteristics. It's those characteristics, of the posts, which I feel a certain hostility to. Unfortunately many of those posts are the antithesis to the ethos of this forum, where we would hope to see useful, believable posts, guiding our members to make rational wagering decisions.
We have lost too many good contributors either to short suspensions or to permanent leaving in disgust that your posts go unchallenged. THAT is something I feel 'intense' about.
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So, in plain English and in simple terms, you are requesting me to stop posting in regards to my real and factual Casino play?
I can only assume you would also like me to stop posting about any day to day casino related items that happen at my casino properties?
Am I correct?
Well you can start by not putting words in my mouth.Quote: Marcusclark66
So, in plain English and in simple terms, you are requesting me to stop posting in regards to my real and factual Casino play?
I can only assume you would also like me to stop posting about any day to day casino related items that happen at my casino properties?
Am I correct?
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Quote: OnceDearWe have lost too many good contributors either to short suspensions or to permanent leaving in disgust that your posts go unchallenged.
Are Marcus or MDawg to blame for the suspensions of other members?
Didn't the contributors who left in disgust choose to leave, rather than simply follow the repeated advice of the admins to either ignore or block bothersome members and posts?
Are Marcus and MDawg to blame for the choices made by other members?
Quote: OnceDearThe posts of Mdawg and yourself have certain characteristics. It's those characteristics, of the posts, which I feel a certain hostility to.
In the original (now closed) "Adventures" thread, you directed Marcus to do the following...
Quote: OnceDearDrop the hostility.
This smacks of "rules for thee, but not for me" - ism.
How about you drop your admitted hostility, instead of reacting with hostility?
Quote: OnceDearYou simply told the cards how to proceed and they obeyed you?**
** What does one call a man who claims such magical powers?
The quote above is just straight-up trolling.
Yet another mod in desperate need of a self-check.